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Here, at Dave Walker, we've been recycling for over 40 years and we didn't even know it! It seemed the most natural thing in the world as we come from a generation where we couldn't afford to throw things away. We have always found it makes good sound economic sense and it helps keeps our costs down. Approximately 90% of the materials we clear from sites during a normal working week can be easily recycled.

Here's how we do it!

  • Garage doors are replaced and all the steel is removed and stacked at our premises until there is sufficient and then taken to the local scrap yard to be recycled.
  • All packaging is saved, bagged and stacked separately for recycling.
  • Timber pallets are kept and reused whenever possible and at the end of their life they are then cut up and used on our wood burners.
  • When landscaping any topsoil, rockery, plants, small trees are recycled whenever possible. If we don't have a use for them we will try and find someone who may - we have been known to give away 5-600 tons of topsoil to local farmers, football and rugby clubs or any one else that will take it free of charge.
  • As we remove old concrete garages bases, slabs, bricks etc, everything is separated and taken to our local recycling plant to be crushed to be reused as good quality hard core.
  • Old timber garages are stripped for their frames which can then be reused as pegs for retaining the 6' x 1' timber frames we need to build our bases.
  • Any other timber is recycled chipped to be used a mulch or finds it way back into 8' x 4 sheets of chip board etc.
  • In the office we recycle all our office paper e.g. A4 sheets can be re used in the fax machine and smaller sheets can be cut up and re used as note paper. Packaging is also reused wherever possible.

We are constantly evolving our environmental policy as we become aware of new recycling opportunities and whenever possible we like to do business with other like minded companies.

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